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About Us

In 2022, the Moving Forward Coalition launched to bring diverse leaders, stakeholders and experts together to advance practical solutions to long-standing nursing home quality issues. With The National Imperative to Improve Nursing Home Quality – a 2022 landmark report – as our guide, we prioritized recommendations, developed action plans, and laid the groundwork to turn action plans into action.

Now in our third year, we are piloting three collaborative quality improvement projects, convening discussion with Coalition members and policymakers about consensus-backed options for change, and building the infrastructure, resources, and community for future action.

A word from our Chair.

Our Vision

Every nursing home will be a community in which lives are nurtured, residents are empowered, and where people want to work.

Our Mission

We will make vital changes in policy and practice through the power of bringing diverse voices together now.

Core Values

From our earliest meetings and throughout all our work, we’ve committed to four core values:





Coalition Leadership

Alice Bonner

Alice Bonner has been a nurse practitioner for over 30 years. She is currently Senior Advisor for Aging at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI) and Chair of the Moving Forward Nursing Home Quality Coalition.

From 2015-2019, Bonner served as Secretary of the Executive Office of Elder Affairs for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. From 2011 to 2013, Bonner served as Director of the Division of Nursing Homes in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) in Baltimore, MD.

Isaac Longobardi

Isaac Longobardi is a recent graduate of Harvard College. He currently serves as Director of the Moving Forward Nursing Home Quality Coalition.

Previously, he worked as Program Coordinator for the Hebrew SeniorLife Volunteer, Youth, and Community Engagement Department, while piloting multigenerational living at Center Communities of Brookline, one of Hebrew SeniorLife’s independent living communities.

Setting the Agenda

The Moving Forward Steering Committee sets the nursing home policy agenda for the Coalition as a whole.

Our Founding Organizations

LeadingAge is acting as the Coalition’s convenor. Guided by the research and experience of its staff and member community in mission-driven aging services and policy, it brings a legacy of integrity, expertise, and collaboration.

The John A. Hartford Foundation committed $1.2 million to support the work of the Coalition. The Foundation invests in aging experts and practice innovations that transform how the care of older adults is delivered.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement will provide senior leadership for the Coalition, and will network with national organizations to design and implement action plans.

The Johns Hopkins University School of Nursing brings leaders in academia, research, service, and policy who promote older adult health. Faculty and students address individual and public health issues in state, national, and global setting.

Supporting Organizations

The Moving Forward Coalition is proud to be working with a diverse and growing group of organizations to help advance our mission and vision.

Supporting organizations may or may not support specific Moving Forward activities, priorities, or action plans.

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