Steering Committee + Advisors
The Coalition is as strong as the people at its tables. Nursing home residents, direct-care staff, providers, advocates, care partners, researchers, policymakers, regulators and more have built this Coalition from the ground up. Thank you!
About Our Steering Committee
Steering Committee Members
Committee members represent either themselves or an organization with which they are affiliated.



Advancing Excellence

A.G. Rhodes

Alzheimer’s Association

American Health Care Association

Caregivers for Compromise



National Consumer Voice for Quality Long-Term Care

Pennsylvania Ombudsman for Long-Term Care

American College of Health Care Administrators

Post-Acute and Long Term Care Medical Association (PALTMed)


Center for Innovation

Open Doors

Forest Hills of DC
People Who Made Moving Forward Possible
Since our launch in 2022, the Coalition has been a place for big ideas, meaningful conversation, and collaborative action. Meet the people who have been leaning in with us since day one.
Lizett Leandro
Director of Clinical Services & Quality, Episcopal Communities and Services Member, National Association of Hispanic Nurses
Lori Walsh
Pennsylvania Long Term Care Ombudsman; Program Director, Center for Advocacy for the Rights and Interests of Elders
Mairead Painter
Connecticut State Long-Term Care Ombudsman; First Vice President, NASOP
Mamata Yanamadala
Assistant Professor, Duke University School of Medicine
Marc Cohen
Co-Director, LeadingAge LTSS Center @UMass Boston Research Director, Community Catalyst
Margaret Calkins
Board Chair and Director of Research, IDEAS Institute
Margarite Grootjes
Nursing Home Resident, Ohio
Maria D. Moen
Senior Vice President, Innovation & External Affairs, ADVault, Inc.
Marilyn Rantz
Curators’ Professor Emerita, MU Sinclair School of Nursing